
How To Upload Divi Blog Modules

Review of the Divi WordPress Theme

Elegant Themes is proud to present the long-awaited release of version three of its 87th WordPress theme. You'll discover that yous won't have to look anywhere else for the ultimate WordPress theme! Divi 3 introduces a brand new version of its WordPress customizer that allows you to personalize all the elements of your pages in real time.
Since a picture is worth a thousand words, permit'due south look together at all the possibilities that Divi 3 offers with visuals!

divi-top divi-bottom divi-middle divi-footer

Features of the DIVI 3 WordPress theme:

Real fourth dimension design:

With a React JS engine, your changes will be fabricated alive. At that place'south no demand to utilize dorsum end or to toggle between different preview screens, everything is washed correct before your optics. Information technology offers you a whole new earth of possibilities.

Personally, I love not having to wait several minutes to run across a preview of my work.

"Click & type" editing:

In before versions, adding text meant that you had to use WordPress' dorsum finish then Divi to add together a text block. Now you lot tin click on a spot on your page, beginning typing and the text area appears every bit if by magic.

Advanced customization:

With Divi three you lot'll exist able to customize all the elements of your page on the fly. If y'all don't like the color or the spacing between unlike elements, no need to worry, you can always change it.

Responsive design changes:

No need to give yourself a headache just to find out if your changes will be visible on a smartphone or tablet, with Divi 3 everything is done intuitively. Isn't that dandy news?

Let's take a tour of the DIVI WordPress theme from Elegant Themes

The DIVI WordPress theme is a game-changer in many ways. Unlike many other WordPress themes that offer pre-defined folio templates, Divi is based on an innovative concept: it lets you lot exist the one to create the perfect page using a page architect.

The concept of Elegant Themes' Page Builder is exciting because it lets y'all move effectually text blocks, articles and other kinds of pages using a drag and driblet feature. Imagine being able to speedily build a spider web site that reflects who you lot are without having to write a single line of code! Divi is a real breakthrough for even the about inexperienced users. You'll no longer accept to install plugins to layout blocks of your site; Divi from Elegant Themes will practice information technology all natively.

The Divi theme's other options reflect the reliability of its San Francisco developers. Divi has its own lawmaking, which is always desirable for search engines. In fact, Elegant Themes codes its themes so well that nothing tin interfere with its indexing or cause any other serious problems.


There'south no shortage of customizations with the Divi WordPress theme! Non just tin can you can choose your web site'due south typeface but as well the colour of the elements that go into it!

If y'all're afraid that your spider web site fabricated with the Divi WordPress theme won't brand a good impression with visitors viewing your page on a smart phone—no worries! Elegant Themes has thought of everything and y'all can rest assured that Divi is Responsive Design.

As a result, your site will look great on a tablet, smartphone and Minitel :p
Divi's versatility remains its greatest forcefulness. With the Divi WordPress theme Page builder, you'll also be able to create a portfolio, a business concern-focused site or even an e-commerce spider web site. You'll be impressed by the versatility of this new theme from Elegant Themes.


Divi 3.0: What's in shop!

Many of you have been anxiously awaiting the release of DIVI WordPress theme version three.0 and with good reason. Elegant Themes will allow you to practise some pretty wild things and together nosotros'll come across the new features and technical guidance of the latest version of DIVI.

Online visual editor:

This feature has been highly anticipated past those who desire to button the envelope a bit further when it comes to customizing their web site. It's true that most WordPress themes today offer many customization options but everything is done on the dorsum finish. Information technology's not necessarily very intuitive and most people will give up very chop-chop (like me!) Divi 3.0 offers a different approach, similar to sure new WordPress frameworks (for example Qards by Designmodo). You lot'll exist able to work on each element of your website but on the front end. If you also want to employ a different typeface for the title, the header or any paragraph, and then yous tin can!

Divi 2.6: What's new!

Responsive Design that'due south adaptable by device:

This new characteristic might seem a bit strange but it's worth checking out. Now you can finally take command of the elements during automatic resizing on smartphones or tablets.
For instance, you can make up one's mind to change the size of the title of your commodity on a smartphone or only not have certain modules appear at all on tablets simply. A existent convenience!

responsive-controls-small disable-on-small

Two new headers:

At last DIVI 2.half dozen offers a bit more flexibility in customizing your web site'due south header! Gone are the traditional headers and you lot can finally bring a affect of innovation to your web site:

  • Slide in Header:


  • Full Screen Header:


A button module (at final!): Upwards until now, inserting buttons on DIVI required using a bit of cunning: you either had to use CSS or a plugin. In a word, let'southward just say it was annoying. At last DIVI ii.6.1 gives you a bit more of a hazard to customize these notorious buttons!


Comments module: With DIVI 2.6.1 you tin can make up one's mind to place the comments section wherever the mood strikes you. If you feel like having the comments appear above your articles, y'all're free to exercise so!
Yous tin can also customize the appearance of the comments module in a way that is best suited for your web site!

Search module: The most exciting new characteristic of DIVI 2.half-dozen.1 is without a incertitude the flexibility of using the search module outside the normal widget surface area. From now on you'll exist able to install a search bar within a page, as y'all come across fit. The icing on the cake is that yous tin can still customize the pattern of your search bar.

New and improved contact grade:One of the biggest improvements of DIVI 2.half dozen involves the contact course. Elegant Themes has put actress emphasis on the following points:

  • Customized fields:This version of the form supports customized fields which will allow yous to create unique contact forms
  • Spam detection: In addition to the standard Captcha, Elegant Themes has implemented a Honeypot (I'll permit you find out more on Wikipedia)
  • Customized messages:You can now personalize your contact form's messages
  • URL redirection:One time a user has clicked on the confirm button y'all can redirect them to a URL of your choice
  • Customized confirmation bulletin: Once your user has fulfilled all the requirements and the form has been confirmed, y'all can choose which message volition be displayed!


E-panel update!:The latest innovation involves a relic from the by: the Eastward-panel. Having had the aforementioned wait since the creation of the start WordPress theme from Elegant Themes, the command panel has now had a major facelift

Divi 2.five: What's new!

With each new version of Divi, Elegant Themes spoils united states of america more and more than and Divi version ii.5 is no exception to the rule! Let's take a closer look at some of the new features.

Disengage & Redo:With this new characteristic, you'll be able to undo or redo actions done in Divi Builder quite hands. For instance, if you lot take erased a module past mistake you'll be able to get back, which is pregnant. Spotter the demo below and you'll have a better idea of what we mean.


Revision history:Elegant Themes offers an amazing feature that's simply like a Time Automobile from Apple. Divi now keeps rail of all the edits you make to your web site. On pinnacle of that, if ever you mess upwards during an editing session, you still have the opportunity to go dorsum in fourth dimension by restoring a previous version.

Live Preview:At that place'southward cipher more frustrating than having to salve your work and then having to open a new window to see the fruits of your labor. Divi ii.v overcomes this deficiency which is present in many builders. With this new version yous'll be able to have a live preview of your work. Not besides bad, right?


Omnipresent Responsive Blueprint:Unless yous've been living in the Orion galaxy, yous're surely aware that Responsive Design is at present a must-have characteristic. Divi offers buttons that will let you lot to speedily visualize the progress of your work on a PC, tablet or smartphone

Divi translations:

Every bit you know, virtually WordPress themes are in English. With Divi, Elegant Themes has made an effort to offering version 2.5 of its best-seller translated into more than than 26 unlike languages!

  • Standard arabic
  • Bulgarian
  • Chinese
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Divi Theme
  • Finnish
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Hungarian
  • Indonesian
  • Tema Divi
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Malay
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Tema WordPress Divi
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Serbian
  • Slovakian
  • Tema WordPress Divi
  • Swiss
  • Thai
  • Turkish
  • Ukranian
  • Vietnamese
  • WordPress Page Architect
  • HelpAndroid

As y'all can see, Divi is a WordPress theme that is powerful, functional and inexpensive. With a cost of just 0.75 €, it'south practically free!

In fact with a bones membership with Elegant Themes for merely 89 dollars, each theme (87 for the moment) costs merely 0.75 €! Very economical, don't you retrieve?


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